Leadership Insights Series 2022

Providing professional development opportunities for leaders in the disability sector 

The disability sector provides vital services and supports to the Victorian community but is facing significant workforce supply shortages and retention challenges. These issues have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, to support leaders in the disability sector to address these challenges, the Institute developed the Leadership Insight Series, a new, non-accredited professional development program for leaders with a particular focus on supporting worker retention.  

The Leadership Insight Series provided the opportunity for Senior Operational Managers from the disability sector in Victoria to gain new knowledge and insights about leadership to support the growth and development of a capable workforce. It offered a space where they could reflect on their leadership practice and consider how innovative ideas or approaches could be implemented within their own teams and organisations to support increased worker retention. It also provided opportunities for participants to expand their professional networks, connect with other leaders across Victoria, and engage in peer learning activities.  

To learn more about this project
please contact our team
